Saturday, October 22, 2005

"Scooter? But I don't even know 'er!"

New York Times executive editor Bill Keller has published a mea culpa memo to the Times in which he questions his handling of the Judith Miller affair, as well as the trust he placed in her on behalf of the paper and its readers. He also questions -- implicitly -- her relationship with Scooter Libby, describing it as an "entanglement." Yikes. Miller indignantly denies any relationship other than that between reporter and source; Times op-ed columnist Maureen Dowd considers Miller her own unique brand of WMD. The knives are out at the NYT, and Judy is the scapegoat. Let the record reflect that, at least at the paper, the blame flows both ways. But that's just for the coverage of the leak case and Miller's role. As for Miller's reporting on WMD and just exactly how involved she was with Libby -- well, that plot is thickening by the day.


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