Welcome to the "Weekly Review" blog! While we're on hiatus prepping for our all-star* show at Caroline's, consider this blog your go-to place for links, diatribes, and random musings on the Bush Administration, the media, the pundits, the blogosphere, and all the crazy wackiness (and wacky craziness!) in between.
"Weekly Review" is just that: a weekly review of the ever-changing events in politics and the media, tracking the 24-hour news cycle in song with a brand-new musical comedy show every week. And yes, the songs ARE as wordy as that sentence. We have a ridiculous and melodious canon thus far (an oeuvre, if you will) with songs about topics including but not limited to the
Bush Administration, the
Supreme Court,
Karl Rove,
Cindy Sheehan, UN softie
John Bolton, the oft-indicted
Tom DeLay, the
Creationism vs. Evolution debate (an intelligently designed number if I ever saw one),
Dick Cheney's ever-tickin' heart (for those who believe he has one),
Hillary Clinton's fave video game, the clear and foreceful electoral mandate of her fellow
Bill Frist's clear and forceful medical mandate, whether "
Scooter" is an appropriate nickname for someone that high up in the government, and what makes us swoon about
Alan Greenspan's fiscal policy. That last one is not a joke. We really have a song about it. It's a torch song, because interest rates are HOT.
The show has been tons of fun to do and I can objectively and impartially say that it's hilarious, totally entertaining and politically satisfying (uh, maybe not so much if you're a Republican). I am neither objective nor impartial, but either way you should come: it's on
Monday, October 24th at
7:00pm at
Caroline's Comedy Club on Broadway btwn. 49th & 50th. Admission is $5 with reservation, so call
212-757-4100 and make one.
*If you define "star" to mean "underemployed actors who have day jobs" then yes, we're all stars!